Referring Doctor

Referring Doctor 轉介醫生

Referring Doctor 转介医生

Family Doctor

Family Doctor 家庭醫生

Family Doctor 家庭医生


Physiotherapist 物理治療師

Physiotherapist 物理治疗师

Next of Kin Contact

Next of Kin 近親聯絡人

Next of Kin 近亲联络人


WorkCover  職場傷害

WorkCover  职场伤害


TAC  交通傷害

TAC  交通伤害

Appointment Reminder, Messages & Emails



Please advise the front desk staff if you do not wish to receive SMS reminders, or any other message or emails.

Please advise the front desk staff if you do not wish to receive SMS reminders, or any other message or emails.

Please advise the front desk staff if you do not wish to receive SMS reminders, or any other message or emails.

Privacy Policy


I understand that this practice handles personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles enshrined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and as outlined in the Privacy Statement.

I understand that this practice handles personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles enshrined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and as outlined in the Privacy Statement.

I understand that this practice handles personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles enshrined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and as outlined in the Privacy Statement.

Payment Policy


I understand that this practice accepts bank transfer, Visa, MasterCard, and bank cheque only (personal cheque and Amex are NOT accepted). Full payment for the initial consultation is required at the time of consultation. WorkCover and TAC patients are responsible for paying the full private fee of the first consultation, and will be provided with an invoice to reimburse the cost of consultation back from their employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC. In some situations, there may be a small gap between our fees and the amount refunded by the employer, WorkCover insurer and TAC.

The fee of subsequent appointment(s) after the initial consultation will be billed directly to the employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC, provided the claim has been formalised and our practice has been provided with those details.

I understand that this practice accepts bank transfer, Visa, MasterCard, and bank cheque only (personal cheque and Amex are NOT accepted). Full payment for the initial consultation is required at the time of consultation. WorkCover and TAC patients are responsible for paying the full private fee of the first consultation, and will be provided with an invoice to reimburse the cost of consultation back from their employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC. In some situations, there may be a small gap between our fees and the amount refunded by the employer, WorkCover insurer and TAC.

The fee of subsequent appointment(s) after the initial consultation will be billed directly to the employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC, provided the claim has been formalised and our practice has been provided with those details.

我理解此診所只接受銀行轉帳、Visa 、 MasterCard 與銀行支票 (診所是不接受個人支票與 Amex 的)。初診諮詢門診費用需要當天全額支付。職場 傷害或交通傷害的病患需要負責支付全額的初診私人費用,診所會提供收據發票。看診者可以依據發票向雇 主、公司保險或交通事故委員會申請初診費用補償。我們的費用與退款金額在某些情況下也許會有微小差額。 初診之後的看診費用則會直接向雇主、公司保險或交通事故委員會開帳單申請,其前提是案件號碼已經正式 確認下來,同時案件資訊也提供給到診所。

I understand that this practice accepts bank transfer, Visa, MasterCard, and bank cheque only (personal cheque and Amex are NOT accepted). Full payment for the initial consultation is required at the time of consultation. WorkCover and TAC patients are responsible for paying the full private fee of the first consultation, and will be provided with an invoice to reimburse the cost of consultation back from their employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC. In some situations, there may be a small gap between our fees and the amount refunded by the employer, WorkCover insurer and TAC.

The fee of subsequent appointment(s) after the initial consultation will be billed directly to the employer, WorkCover insurer or TAC, provided the claim has been formalised and our practice has been provided with those details.

我理解此诊所只接受银行转帐、Visa、 MasterCard 与银行支票 (診所是不接受个人支票与 Amex 的)。诊咨询门诊费用需要当天全额支付。职场伤害或 交通伤害的病患需要负责支付全额的初诊私人费用,诊所会提供收据发票。看诊者可以依据发票向雇主、公 司保险或交通事故委员会申请初诊费用补偿。我们的费用与退款金额在某些情况下也许会有微小差额。初诊 之后的看诊费用则会直接向雇主、公司保险或交通事故委员会开帐单申请,其前提是案件号码已经正式确认 下来,同时案件资讯也提供给到诊所。

Electronically signed by 電子簽名

Electronically signed by 电子签名

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
