Please include their name and practice details


Please provide at least one option
Please note: all receipts and patient correspondence will be sent to this email address
Please check this should be 10 digits altogether with no spaces in between
Number next to the patient name


If the Medicare rebate should go into this person's account please provide their:

Please include the reference number next to the person's name


Prescriptions, vitamins etc
Medications, food, materials
Please describe
Current or what you used to before quitting
Current or before you quit drinking

If you have had any previous pregnancies please complete the following:


This clinic collects information from you for the primary purpose of providing quality health care. Federal Privacy Law requires your consent to this. We need your personal details and full medical history (which may include photographic records) so that we mayproperly assess, diagnose, treat and manage your health care needs. This means we will use the information you provide in the following ways:

  • Administrative purposes in running our medical practice, which may include confirmation of your appointment via SMS or email

  • Billing purposes - including, but not limited to, compliance with Medicare and the Health Insurance Commission requirements.

  • Disclosure to others involved in your health care, including treating doctors and specialists outside this medical practice.This may occur through referral to other doctors, or for medical tests and in the reports of results returned to us followingthe referrals.

  • Disclosure to other doctors in the practice, locums and trainees attached to the practice for the purpose of patient careand teaching.

  • Emergency situations whereby medical officers/hospitals may require access to patient notes for treatment purposes.


  • I have read the above information and understand the reasons why my information must be collected

  • I understand that I am not obliged to provide any information requested, but that failure to do so might compromise thequality of the health care and treatment given to me

  • I am aware of my right to access the information collected about me, except in some circumstances where access might legitimately be withheld and that an explanation will be given to me in this circumstance

  • I understand that if my information is to be used for any purpose other than the above, this clinic will seek my consent prior

  • I consent to this clinic using my personal information in the ways outlined above.

  • I understand that consultations are not bulk billed &/or not payable by private health insurance, and fees are payable onthe day of consultation.

  • I also understand that if there is a need for a procedure or treatment, there will be additional fee for these. 

  • I understand for security purposes the common area at this clinic is under video surveillance. 

  • I understand that my results will be communicated from the treating Doctor via primary sms/ email contact provided and that a phone call from clinic staff will follow to plan any associated treatment. 

  • I understand I am responsible to call for my results if I have not had my results confirmed a week after my appointment.

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Dr Rebecca Young - Sydney Urogynaecologist & Pelvic Reconstructive Surgeon
Level 5,22 Darley Rd, Manly NSW 2095
 | Ph: 02 9094 3313 | Healthlink EDI drryoung