This clinic collects information from you for the primary purpose of providing quality health care. Federal Privacy Law requires your consent to this. We need your personal details and full medical history (which may include photographic records) so that we mayproperly assess, diagnose, treat and manage your health care needs. This means we will use the information you provide in the following ways:
Administrative purposes in running our medical practice, which may include confirmation of your appointment via SMS or email
Billing purposes - including, but not limited to, compliance with Medicare and the Health Insurance Commission requirements.
Disclosure to others involved in your health care, including treating doctors and specialists outside this medical practice.This may occur through referral to other doctors, or for medical tests and in the reports of results returned to us followingthe referrals.
Disclosure to other doctors in the practice, locums and trainees attached to the practice for the purpose of patient careand teaching.
Emergency situations whereby medical officers/hospitals may require access to patient notes for treatment purposes.